jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Friday, 20th March

Hello again? How is everybody doing?

 Did you follow all the instructions? Did you copy the grammar boxes (can, must, should) in the Coronavirus handout? Did you remember to use a red pen for the boxes and corrections?

One more tip!

Why don't you connect using Hangouts? This way, you can help one another, ask questions, discuss your answers, give each other advice... Can anybody let me know if you are doing it?

Now, let's get on with it!

-Here are the solutions to Thursday's exercises. As usual, check yourself.

-After you have checked your exercises, you must complete the last set of grammar exercises SB p. 65, exercises 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10.

I'll post the solutions on Monday.

Have a nice weekend (at home!)

Made with Padlet

Now... let's play some games.
Level one (Basic)
Space game

Level two (intermediate)
Snakes and ladders

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